1. Tiefling Name Generator
  2. Male Tiefling Names
  3. Mordaius Grimfang

Mordaius Grimfang | Male Tiefling Name

Character Profile:

  • Name: Mordaius Grimfang
  • Gender: Male
  • Height: 6 feet 2 inches (188 cm)
  • Build: Lean and agile
  • Skin Color: Ashen gray
  • Hair Color: Charcoal black
  • Eye Color: Fiery orange

Abilities and Traits:

  1. Darkvision: Mordaius can see perfectly in darkness up to 60 feet.
  2. Infernal Legacy: He can cast the Thaumaturgy cantrip once per day.
  3. Fire Resistance: Due to his infernal heritage, Mordaius has resistance to fire damage.
  4. Telepathy: He can communicate telepathically with any creature he can see within 30 feet.
  5. Sneak Attack: Mordaius is skilled in finding and exploiting the weaknesses of his foes in combat.

Cultural and Background Information:

Mordaius Grimfang hails from the city of Dis, a town known for its tiefling population and dark arcane practices. As a child, he discovered his innate tiefling abilities and was drawn to the study of magic. He honed his skills in the forbidden arts under the tutelage of a powerful warlock, who taught him to harness his infernal powers for both destruction and protection.

Despite the prejudice often faced by tieflings in the world, Mordaius embraces his heritage and uses it to his advantage. He is a master of deception and stealth, often working as a hired blade or spy for those who can afford his services. His loyalty lies with himself and those who prove worthy of his trust, making him a valuable but dangerous ally.

Mordaius is known for his cunning intellect, quick reflexes, and ruthless efficiency in combat. He prefers to strike from the shadows, using his telepathic abilities to coordinate with his allies and outmaneuver his enemies. His goal is to amass enough power and wealth to carve out his own place in the world, far away from the prejudices and persecution of his past.

Despite his darker tendencies, Mordaius does have a code of honor that he follows, albeit a twisted one. He values loyalty, skill, and cunning above all else, and will go to great lengths to protect those he cares about. Those who cross him, however, will face the full wrath of his infernal heritage.