1. Tiefling Name Generator
  2. Female Tiefling Names
  3. Sariel

Sariel | Female Tiefling Name

Character Profile:

  • Name: Sariel
  • Gender: Female
  • Height: 5 feet 6 inches (167.6 cm)
  • Build: Lean and athletic
  • Skin Color: Deep crimson
  • Hair Color: Jet black
  • Eye Color: Fiery amber

Abilities and Traits:

  1. Infernal Bloodline: Sariel possesses inherent tiefling abilities such as resistance to fire damage and the ability to cast darkness once per day.
  2. Charismatic: Sariel has a natural charm and persuasive presence that often helps her negotiate and navigate social situations.
  3. Agile: With her lean build and athleticism, Sariel is nimble and quick on her feet, making her an adept acrobat and skilled in evasion.
  4. Darkvision: Sariel can see perfectly well in darkness, both magical and non-magical.
  5. Minor Illusion: Using her tiefling heritage, Sariel has learned to create minor illusions to deceive or distract her foes.

Cultural and Background Information:

1. Tiefling Heritage: Sariel was born into a tiefling community known for their boldness and unyielding spirit. Tieflings are often viewed with suspicion and fear due to their infernal ancestry, but they have learned to embrace their uniqueness and take pride in their heritage.

2. Trained Rogue: Sariel was raised within a guild of skilled rogues, learning the art of stealth, lock-picking, and deception. She excelled in her training, and her unique tiefling abilities complemented her skills as a rogue.

3. Infernal Bargain: Sariel made a pact with a powerful fiend, seeking to gain more control over her infernal heritage. In exchange for her loyalty and service, she was granted enhanced abilities and access to forbidden knowledge. This pact constantly tests her willpower and presents moral dilemmas.

4. Outcast and Wanderer: Due to her tiefling nature, Sariel often faced discrimination and prejudice in many cities and settlements. As a result, she has become a wanderer, exploring different realms and seeking acceptance and understanding, while also honing her abilities and searching for her true purpose.

5. Fighter for Justice: Despite being a rogue, Sariel has a strong sense of justice and fights against evil and injustice whenever she encounters it. She believes that actions speak louder than words and is determined to prove that tieflings can be heroes and allies in the fight against darkness.