1. Tiefling Name Generator
  2. Male Tiefling Names
  3. Xarzeth Darkflame

Xarzeth Darkflame | Male Tiefling Name

Character Profile:

  • Name: Xarzeth Darkflame
  • Gender: Male
  • Height: 6 feet 2 inches (188 cm)
  • Build: Lean and agile
  • Skin Color: Dark purple with hints of red
  • Hair Color: Black with red streaks
  • Eye Color: Fiery orange

Abilities and Traits:

  1. Darkvision: Xarzeth can see in dim light within 60 feet of him as if it were bright light.
  2. Infernal Legacy: Xarzeth can cast the thaumaturgy cantrip at will and can also cast the hellish rebuke and darkness spells once per day each.
  3. Fire Resistance: Xarzeth has resistance to fire damage.
  4. Demonic Presence: Xarzeth emits an aura that can unsettle those around him, making him intimidating to others.
  5. Sneaky: Xarzeth is adept at moving stealthily and staying hidden when he needs to.

Cultural and Background Information:

Xarzeth Darkflame was born in the fiery depths of the Nine Hells, where his tiefling ancestors made pacts with demons. He was raised in a society where power and strength were valued above all else, and he quickly learned to harness his infernal heritage to become a formidable warrior.

As he grew older, Xarzeth became fascinated with the mortal realm and eventually found his way to the material plane. He now travels the land as a mercenary, offering his services to those in need of a skilled fighter with unique abilities.

Despite his demonic appearance, Xarzeth has a code of honor that guides his actions. He may be ruthless in battle, but he always keeps his word and never breaks a contract or agreement once made.

Xarzeth is a loner by nature, preferring to keep to himself and trust only in his own abilities. However, those who earn his respect can count on him as a loyal ally and fierce protector.

Though he carries the burden of his tiefling heritage, Xarzeth Darkflame is determined to carve out his own destiny and prove that not all demons are evil. He walks a fine line between his demonic lineage and his desire to do good in the world, knowing that ultimately, he is the master of his own fate.